Auto e Moto d’Epoca Moves to Bologna And Doubles Its Exhibition Space | Events
Auto e Moto d’Epoca ismoving in 2023, celebratingits 40thedition and doublingitsexhibitionspace in its new home at BolognaFiere.
“We’re ready to bring out the full potential of this sector” – stated the organiser, Mario Carlo Baccaglini. “Classic vehicles are excellences made in Italy: an Italian heritage which is recognised by millions of fans across the globe and brings together design, passion, history and economics”.
That marks two major milestones for the Italian classic car and motorbike exhibition: the 2023 edition of Auto e Moto d’Epoca will in fact be the 40thedition of the event and the first one to be hosted in Bologna’s exhibition district. As a matter of fact, 2023 is the year the exhibition moves to a new venue.

Bologna Fiere will be providing the Classic world with over 250 square metres of exhibition space, spread across 12 exhibition halls with 3 access doors, with more than 14,500 covered parking spaces in total and excellent connections with Northern Europe by train, car or plane. Indeed, the new path at Bologna Fiere is focused on Europe: the facilities and connections which Bologna’s exhibition district can benefit from will make it possible to create a privileged channel between European fans and exhibitors and the Italian market.
Auto e Moto d’Epoca is an established key meeting place for European dealers and buyers with the Italian market and its extraordinarily well-preserved vehicles. After an intensive promotional campaign at all the main European trade fairs in early 2023, bookings from the Old Continent enabled the organisers to allocate a whole extra exhibition hall to the market and spare parts market compared to what was originally planned.
The participation of Historic Clubs and Registers is even greater than in previous years, with large, uncovered spaces (yet still inside the exhibition district) dedicated to rallies among fans and connoisseurs.
Vintage motorbikes have been given a great deal of visibility too: this is a veritable exhibition housed in 15 thousand square metres of exhibition halls.

There is also proof of a renewed focus on the relationship between past and present in the participation of multiple Car manufacturers who will be showcasing the transition of innovative values and philosophies from classic vehicles to the latest models coming to market.
Last but not least, this edition boasts the unprecedented participation of some of the largest European museum collections, starting with the Italian National Motor Car Museum in Turin, which will be celebrating the collection’s 90thanniversary in Bologna.
“Thanks to the new space – sums up the organiser, Mario Carlo Baccaglini – we will be able to bring out the full potential of the vintage cars and motorbikes: a world that brings together millions of fans across Europe”.

“Over the last 40 years, Auto e Moto d’Epoca has come to attract visitors from 46 countries around the world – confirms Baccaglini – and has become an established benchmark on the international calendar, as well as the largest historic vehicle market in Europe”.
Indeed, ‘classic’ cars and motorbikes are among the undisputed excellences made in Italy and the new ‘home’ at Bologna Fiere will allow the full exploitation of their potential, drawing visitors, exhibitors and buyers from all over the globe in numbers which could not logistically be reached until now.
“The 40thedition – concludes Baccaglini – it not just a milestone to celebrate but also an exciting new start: a cornerstone that will allow Italian Classics to reach their full potential in the new setting of Bologna Fiere”.
Press release and Photos by Auto e Moto d’Epoca Bologna Fiere