A multi-episode series that focuses on the adrenaline-fueled vicissitudes of racing driver Burn ‘Em Up Barnes and his business associates targeted by a powerful criminal organization. A plot that gives ample space to the numerous twists that enrich a fun film that shows us a great variety of cars of the time driven as hard as you won’t even dare with your sister’s hatchback.
TITLE: Burn ‘Em Up Barnes
YEAR: 1934
DIRECTED BY: Colbert Clark, Armand Schaefer
LENGHT: 3h 30min
GENRE: action
Despite suffering a pinch of predictability, the movie is good fun and offers a glimpse on the period – the 30s – in which everything was completely different from today, but where greed and the desire to take possession of a land on which rumors tell about an important oil field, will make life for Barnes and friends a struggle. Nerds will also be happy for being able to admire a variety of strictly original Cords, Packards, Chevrolets and Cadillacs brought to the limit and beyond. And how can you not love a character that answers to the name of Burn ‘Em Up Barnes?