The Gran San Bernardo Pass is the main link between Italy and Switzerland, straddling the Pennine Alps. Reaching a maximum elevation of almost 2,500 meters, it can be traveled only during the summer season (and late spring), but the wait will undoubtedly pay off with a show made by a wide road in excellent condition, green expanses at the foot of the high mountains overlooking the area that rises after leaving Aosta and the last inhabited centers behind. On top there are numerous parking areas and also a handful of catering facilities, as well as a few shops with souvenirs of all kinds, including stuffed animals and miniatures of the inevitable Saint Bernard dog. In fact, it is said that starting from the 16th century, the canons of the hospice decided to breed this particular dog perfectly able to withstand the harsh temperatures of the area to cope with the numerous attempts of theft by brigands and criminals. They also played a key role in the search for missing persons, following avalanches or adverse weather.
Location: Saint Rhémy en Bosses (ITA) – Bourg Saint Pierre (CH)
Type: mountain road
Length: 28 km
Elevation: 2.473m
Back to the road, it is a path of just over 30 km, extremely pleasant on both sides and where in the Swiss one you allow yourself a greater opening on the valley below, at least until you reach the connection point with the tunnel of the Gran San Bernardo, the quickest but obviously least scenic way to cross the area.
Photos by S. Lomax