Drive Switzerland | Time to Tackle Switzerland’s Best Driving Roads
The time has come to cross the Swiss border, finally discovering some of the most iconic roads of the old continent, famous throughout the world for having been backdrop to numerous legendary movie scenes. It matters little if the Country’s surface area is small, because the fortune of being literally immersed in the Alps offers the possibility of traveling through an indefinite series of breathtaking curves, compressing the overall distances from one pass to another, thus making the driving experience even more intense.
For this new volume we made a choice that brought heart and brain together, giving top priority to high altitude, an aspect that characterizes Switzerland more than any other. In addition, a bit as if it were a bonus for those who perhaps have to wait for the snow to give way to the summer season, we have included a dozen other roads and places equally worthy of a visit. Because we will never stop reiterating that it is not just a question of final destination, but of experience.
Language: English + Italian
Dimensions: 14×21 cm / Full-color / Satin pages and covers elegantly bound with paperback
Pages: 100