Ok, the price is wrong!
If you’re reading here, you’re the kind of person that love sport and classic cars, no matter if they are modern or vintage. It is on the second ones that I would like to focus for a moment. More precisely, we will talk about prices; yes, because even the most important cars, the rarest ones, those that have a glorious past, should have the right quote, a justified and sensible price. Unfortunately, we note that in recent times, despite the crisis, we witness crazy requests far from every logic and no one seems scandalized that much. These “crazy prices”, as often happens, do not deal between different cars, but they are like flashes here and there, completely uncontrolled. Certain models are extremely overrated and, inevitably, some others remain heavily penalized for that. I could give dozens of examples, but it would unleash an endless argument which I consider unnecessary and harmful, and that also would not solve the problem. Therefore I would simply invite all the enthusiasts, the real ones, not those who have in mind only one brand or one model and those who live through inflated and distorted memories, where performances are always twice the reality, feeding on popular slogans and urban legends, but those who know how to distinguish important cars from iron craps that once populated wrecking yards, to intervene as they can, everytime they have to face crazy requests, answering the right way to those impostors, who certainly do not love automotive. We stand by quality, but also the true story.
Roberto Marrone