Why Toyota Hybrids Are Popular
The electric automotive industry is growing slowly but surely. However, a lot of drivers feel that the EV market has still a lot of work to do to meet their expectations on the road. Indeed, on paper, we all readily understand the need for vehicles that don’t rely on fossil fuel. The supply of gasoline is not infinite and the environmental consequences cannot be ignored any longer. However, environmentally-friendly vehicles are not yet suited to be user-friendly.
Indeed, electric cars have a limited range, compared to petrol-fuelled vehicles. They can also have fewer architectural options as the structure needs to account for the battery. It’s something that Toyota has chosen to address with its first electric vehicle using the new e-TNGA platform. The new Toyota BZ SUV will be revealed in April 2021 at the Shanghai Motor Show. Until now, the manufacturer has been developing a complex and successful range of hybrid vehicles. Toyota hybrids are part of the brand’s efforts to make electric vehicles user-friendly.
Toyota powers up more than 50% of your journey
Toyota was one of few car manufacturers to embrace criticism about electric vehicles. As much as drivers are willing to own a green vehicle, many find it difficult to manage commuting requirements on an electric battery. With a limited range between charges, EVs fail yet to provide a suitable response to the environmental crisis. However, Toyota’s hybrid range has been crucial in making urban landscapes EV-friendly. Indeed, the Toyota hybrid range provides pure electric power for over 50% of your city commutes. The brand is helping to drive urban pollution down by maximising the benefits of electric vehicles for small journeys. When it comes to comparing hybrids, Toyota Hybrids use electric motors to drive while the petrol engine keeps the battery topped up. At higher speed, both structures work together to give an extra boost. Undeniably, the manufacturer will use this approach to make their electric car practical for all commutes.
Finding the best model for your needs
If an electric vehicle isn’t the right answer for you, it is worth mentioning that Toyota dealers can advise on the many hybrid models that are already available. As mentioned, Toyota hybrids encompass all the advantages of an electric motor without compromising on the thrill of the experience. The 12th generation of Corolla has been made available only as a hybrid vehicle, introducing green technology to a familiar and much-beloved household car. The Corolla hybrid makes an equally comfortable companion on the motorway as in the city. It is a car you can take anywhere. But it’s also a vehicle that introduces green driving for everyday commutes.
Why Toyota hybrids are popular
What makes Toyota hybrids such a fantastic introduction to electric vehicles is their ability to focus on the needs of each driver, considering both short and long-distance journeys. With a limited hybrid offering on the market, Toyota is one of the manufacturers whose user-friendly hybrid models stand out. When electric cars remain a difficult budget decision, a Toyota hybrid remains the best alternative to ease into a green driving style.
Needless to say, we are awaiting the 2021 Shanghai Motor Show to discover the latest Toyota’s answer to green driving. We can only hope that the brand will carry on its commitment to driving comfort and ease in a fully electric model.
Photo by Chandler Cruttenden / Ian Waltteri
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